Holding, touching, pointing, waving, giving, receiving, praying, pleading, concealing, grasping, twiddling, pounding, clapping, counting, petting, sanitizing, moisturizing, typing, writing, drawing….
But most of all…creating, soothing, caressing, comforting
All hands on deck. Get out of hand. Experience first hand. Hand it over. Hands up. Hands down. Raise your hand. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. My hands are tied. Try your hand at. On the other hand. I’ve got my hands full. A show of hands. A-okay, hand-me-down, second hand, Sock puppet, shadow puppet, sign language
But most of all…Lend a hand. In good hands. Hold my hand.
These hand portraits are of my dear friends and family. Some of their hands are soft, small, and sweet. Others roughened and worn, elegant and strong. I am grateful to each of them for the unique ways in which they have shared my journey….hand in hand.